Upgrade your Prayer Life!

Have you ever found yourself praying the same prayer over and over, your thoughts quickly following your mind which is definitely not engaged with your prayer?

I have! Many times! And I am sure if we are all honest we have all dealt with this. So how do we shift our prayers from repeats to powerful? I believe one key is to pray the Word of God!

“How do I do that?” you may ask. For me, I had some help as my late husband spent many hours taking scripture and personalizing it so I have the notes he took. But anyone can pray God’s Word. I would encourage you to find scriptures that stand out to you. For example, I love Proverbs 3:5-6. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path.

To personalize that scripture I pray like this: “Father help me to trust in you with all my heart. Show me how to not depend on my own understanding or thinking. You have said here that if I acknowledge You in all my ways, You will direct or guide my path. I definitely need your direction! Help me to acknowledge or recognize You in all I do!”

I haven’t added or taken away from the Scripture in any way, but instead made it personal for me.

Take Ephesians 1 verses 17-19: this is how I would personalize it.

“Father, I ask that you will give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation as I know you better. I ask that the eyes of my understanding would be opened so I will know what the hope of your calling is- that I would know the riches of your glory of your inheritance which is mine! Help me to know the exceedingly great power that is available to me as a believer!”

Look up words you don’t know and find out what the scripture is really saying to you.

I promise you- praying the scripture is a key to living and learning the power we have within us!

Try it out! There are some excellent resources out there where scriptures are already personalized for you. I will post some links in another blog soon.



2 thoughts on “Upgrade your Prayer Life!

  1. What an awesome post, and SO needed in this day and age! I like the way you not only suggest that we personalize the Scriptures, but give examples as well, for those who might be new to the idea. Perhaps you could share a list of personalized Scriptures, here on your blog? Maybe arranged by need, like one of those Bible Promise books? I’m sure lots of people would utilize something like that!

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